Projects Update
Staff continued the repairs to the Ring Gate or Glory Hole at the Dam picking up from last year and completing an even larger section, this year which will compress the completion timeframe. District staff will complete four canal piping projects this off-season. Along with retrofitting an automated trash-screen at the Dead Ox pumping facility, two large canal gates in the North canal near Cow Hollow, and some temporary repairs to the Kingman Lateral and other O&M projects associated with the District’s infrastructure.
Work on the System Improvement Plan (SIP), a huge undertaking, continues to move forward to organize District improvement efforts and reach our infrastructure objectives. The SIP for the Owyhee Project was developed and identified potential solutions to meet our goals. Currently, we are seeking funding to move forward with the watershed plan component. After the watershed plan is developed, the District can start seeking the Federal and State funds necessary to implement the SIP and its associated infrastructure projects. The planning and funding process will take several more years, including a public comments process. However, when the funds are secured and construction projects begin it will provide necessary improvements to District infrastructure, ensuring many more decades of water deliveries to District patrons.